Indian Journal of Communication Science

The Indian Journal of Communication Sciences is a prestigious, peer-reviewed publication that serves as a vital platform for the dissemination of research and scholarly work in the field of communication sciences. Established with the mission to advance knowledge, promote excellence in research, and foster innovation in the realm of communication, the journal has significantly contributed to the academic and professional community.

Scope and Objectives

The Indian Journal of Communication Sciences encompasses a wide array of subjects within the ambit of communication, including Speech, Language, Voice, Fluency, Articulation, Phonology, Neurological, Cognitive, Swallowing and communication disorders. The primary goal of the journal is to provide a scholarly platform for researchers, scholars, and practitioners to exchange ideas, share insights, and present their academic work. By encompassing diverse areas of communication, the journal caters to a wide readership and contributes to the interdisciplinary nature of the field.

Editorial Policies and Peer Review Process

The journal employs robust editorial policies and a stringent peer review process to ensure the accuracy, quality, and credibility of published content. All submissions undergo a meticulous review by experts in the field, employing a double-blind peer review system that upholds the anonymity of both authors and reviewers. This rigorous procedure upholds the journal's commitment to maintaining a high standard of academic integrity and ensures that only original, well-researched, and significant contributions make it to publication.

Contributions to the Communication Community

The Indian Journal of Communication Sciences has played a pivotal role in shaping the discourse and practice within the field of communication. By providing a platform for the dissemination of original research, theoretical frameworks, empirical studies, and innovative practices, the journal has significantly influenced the advancement of communication as an academic discipline and professional practice. It has facilitated the exchange of knowledge, the introduction of new paradigms, and the nurturing of critical debates and dialogues among scholars and practitioners.

Moreover, the journal has remained committed to promoting inclusivity and diversity within the communication community, publishing work that reflects a multitude of perspectives, addressing issues of representation, and acknowledging the significance of inclusive communication practices. By amplifying voices from diverse backgrounds and regions, the journal has contributed to the democratization of knowledge and the broadening of understanding within the field of communication sciences.

Future Directions

As the landscape of communication sciences continues to evolve and adapt to technological, social, and cultural shifts, the Indian Journal of Communication Sciences is poised to embrace and address emerging trends and challenges. The journal aims to expand its focus to incorporate the developments in digital communication, social media dynamics, communication technology, and the ethical considerations arising from such transformations. Additionally, the journal aspires to continue promoting interdisciplinary scholarship, intercultural dialogue, and collaborative research.

In conclusion, the Indian Journal of Communication Sciences stands as a pivotal resource within the domain of communication sciences. Its commitment to scholarly excellence, diversity, and innovation has made it an integral part of academic discourse and professional development within the field. Looking ahead, the journal remains dedicated to upholding its legacy while adapting to the changing landscapes of communication and embracing new frontiers of knowledge and practice.